
Get verifiable Flight
For visa application
up to 15 Days

Why risk your money and time?

How it works

Secure your ticket reservation in 1 minute.


If you got questions we have answer

Need to secure a visa or Proof of Onward Travel before you even board an ✈️ airplane? Our Proof of Flight Reservation service provides you with a genuine flight reservation that can be used as proof of your travel plans without the need to purchase an actual ticket.

To Verify Flight reservation/Flight Itinerary/Dummy Ticket, Visit the website of the respective airline. Under Manage my booking, enter the airline reservation code and your last name.

Flight reservations (also known as flight itinerary, dummy ticket or onward tickets) provide detailed information about your flight. Including flight names, departure/arrival timings and dates, flight codes, and reservation numbers (Flight booking Number).A unique PNR code is also included.

Reservations for flights and hotels can be used by anyone who is applying for a visa. It can be used to apply for a Schengen visa, a US visa, a Japanese visa, a Chinese visa, a UK visa, and so forth.

Our flight reservations are valid for 24 hours upto 14 days. The airline may however, cancel those reservations automatically for a variety of reasons ( overbooking, date of departure too close , covid situations, cancellation of flights etc).

Don't get confused by the difference in term. Flight reservation also known as Dummy ticket Flight Itinerary onward flight Ticket Flight Itinerary for visa application Flight reservation for visa application.


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